The GREAT Institute was born out of the growing need to expand both research and knowledge of The Gambia's marine, freshwater, and coastal ecosystems.
To address the pertinent climatic issues facing The Gambia through scientific research and education. Our team of scientists and technicians make the GREAT Institute an extraordinary place to conduct meaningful and impactful research. Our scientists work closely with international researchers to develop insightful and engaging projects for students and young professionals wishing to gain more practical experience.
“Climate information & data, is very important. It’s central in terms of how we can predict, how we can manage, how we can anticipate disasters. So, I think we need to invest more in terms of observation systems, we need to invest more in terms of the infrastructure that will produce data.
Friendly Environment - For students and professionals to gain research experience.
Equipped Laboratory - To conduct field and laboratory experiments on and off site. The labs are available to visiting scientists conducting research.
Provide Scientific Knowledge - To increase the knowledge of The Gambia's marine & coastal environments.
Established Partnerships - For information sharing with similar national and international scientific institutions and organizations.
Produce Scientific Research - To inspire solutions for vulnerable coastal communities in The Gambia.
Promote Sustainable Ecotourism - To help increase the livelihoods of local communities while protecting the marine and coastal environment.
Encourage Scientific Based Practices - To maintain the resources that humans depend on.
Increase Marine & Coastal Scientists - To train the next generation of marine & coastal scientists to understand and protect the ecosystems that we all depend on.
Discussing Marine, Freshwater, and Coastal Sciences With The Next Generation of Scientists!