Promoting Conservation in The Gambia (PCG)

The project was developed to address the need for a deeper understanding of the major tributaries along the River Gambia and to create sustainable reforestation methods suited to these environments. Monitoring these tributaries is essential for gaining insight into the river’s dynamics and overall functioning. These tributaries, which connect smaller streams to the main river, play an important role in its ecological health. By monitoring the major tributaries, the project aimed to assess river dynamics, identify trends, and make informed decisions to improve water quality, ensure the tributaries meet its designated uses, and support community development. The project focused on six tributaries (locally called bolongs) near the mouth of the river which are listed below:

  • Turnbull Bolong

  • Daranka Bolong

  • Lamin Bolong

  • Mandinari Bolong

  • Bulok Bolong

  • Bintang Bolong

At the end of the project, all CSLs were required to present the results from the 12-month fieldwork through a talk presentation. Notably, one of the CSLs leveraged this project and used his talk presentation during the interview stages of his Master’s application. His impressive presentation earned him acceptance into the program with a scholarship. He began his studies in January 2024. Although the project has ended, we maintain a good working relationship with members of the citizen science network and schools. We will continue to support in the capacity building to foster the next generation of conservationists.

In conclusion, the project has highlighted the GREAT impact that capacity building, community engagement, and a citizen science network can have on environmental conservation. By continuing to empower local communities and fostering collaborative networks, we can ensure ongoing conservation efforts to preserve our natural resources for future generations.